With the start of the new year, I did a major new years closet declutter in January and ended up filling more than a dozen trash bags with clothes to donate! They say a cluttered home often leads to a cluttered mind. Clutter is a reflection of your habits, mindset, and overall life so I believe our environment is closely tied to who we are. I realized I just have too much stuff! I had to ask myself, "When was the last time you wore this?" My goal is to have a closet that feels open, airy, and allows me to move around with ease. Decluttering creates space for the things that truly matter. I want to own less. While it may feel like you're losing something when you declutter, those unused items aren't adding value—they're actually taking up both mental and physical space.
For 2025, I want to feel lighter and more focused. I followed the 1% rule which says that change does not need to be huge to be meaningful, just strive to do 1% of work each day - power of compounding effort. Every day I tried to do small things consistently. I learned that the longer that you hold on to items, the more that they lose their value, hence the quicker you donate things, the more likely someone will be able to find use in it. No one wants your clothes from the Limited that closed in 2018.
You don't need a miscellaneous items box because you will never go into it. If something doesn't have a designated spot in your home, then get rid of it. Instead put stuff in a "maybe pile" and in a month you will feel more comfortable getting rid of it. Don't have perfection paralysis, meaning you're scared to start, perfection is temporary, but good enough lasts longer. Decluttering doesn't mean to reorder, it means to trash all the extra stuff you don't use. Create more negative space so your home feels more open.
I'll be sharing all the clever closet organization finds I’ve discovered to help me along this journey.